If you find a leak in your roof, you want to repair it quickly, but you also want to ensure that it’s repaired properly. Fixing a leak is more complicated than you might think, and getting it wrong can cause more damage to your roof. Our team at Cannon Roofing understands the importance of repairing your roof quickly and doing the work right the first time.
To give our customers some insight into how we approach repairs, we’re going to walk you through the steps we take to repair a roof leak.
Locate the Leak on the Roof
The first thing we have to do is locate the leak. We start with the indoor signs of a leak, such as discoloration or dripping water. Once we know the general area of the leak, we can get up on the roof to find it. We inspect the shingles, looking for loose or broken shingles. Debris, loose flashing, and standing water are also common causes of roof leaks.
Trace the Source
Locating the leak doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve found the source. Depending on the construction of the roof, water doesn’t always follow a straight path. To trace the source of the leak, we start at the highest point where water could be entering and then move downward. Seams, joints, and intersections are often the sources of leaks, even if the water is entering your home at a different point.
Make the Repair
Once we’ve found the source of the leak, we can repair it. How we do this depends on what caused the leak in the first place. For example, if loose shingles caused the leak, we would replace them. However, if the water penetrated a significant area of the underlayment, we may have to replace more than just a few shingles. Repairing or replacing flashing and reapplying sealant are also common steps in repairing a leak.
Test the Repair
Fixing the leak isn’t the end of the process. Before we can declare our work complete, we have to test it. Using a hose, we simulate rainfall and inspect the inside. If we’ve done our job correctly, there should be no evidence of leakage indoors.
Roof Leak Repair | Cannon Roofing
If left unchecked, minor leaks can become significant roof damage. Luckily, the team at Cannon Roofing can handle all your roof repair needs. Our team is always ready to tackle your roof repair projects before they endanger your home.